107 research outputs found

    On the design of EEG-based movement decoders for completely paralyzed stroke patients

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    Background: Brain machine interface (BMI) technology has demonstrated its efficacy for rehabilitation of paralyzed chronic stroke patients. The critical component in BMI-training consists of the associative connection (contingency) between the intention and the feedback provided. However, the relationship between the BMI design and its performance in stroke patients is still an open question. Methods: In this study we compare different methodologies to design a BMI for rehabilitation and evaluate their effects on movement intention decoding performance. We analyze the data of 37 chronic stroke patients who underwent 4 weeks of BMI intervention with different types of association between their brain activity and the proprioceptive feedback. We simulate the pseudo-online performance that a BMI would have under different conditions, varying: (1) the cortical source of activity (i.e., ipsilesional, contralesional, bihemispheric), (2) the type of spatial filter applied, (3) the EEG frequency band, (4) the type of classifier; and also evaluated the use of residual EMG activity to decode the movement intentions. Results: We observed a significant influence of the different BMI designs on the obtained performances. Our results revealed that using bihemispheric beta activity with a common average reference and an adaptive support vector machine led to the best classification results. Furthermore, the decoding results based on brain activity were significantly higher than those based on muscle activity. Conclusions: This paper underscores the relevance of the different parameters used to decode movement, using EEG in severely paralyzed stroke patients. We demonstrated significant differences in performance for the different designs, which supports further research that should elucidate if those approaches leading to higher accuracies also induce higher motor recovery in paralyzed stroke patients.This study was funded by the Baden-Württemberg Stiftung (GRUENS ROB-1), the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, Koselleck and Grant SP 1533/2– 1), the Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung BMBF: MOTORBIC (FKZ 13GW0053) and AMORSA (FKZ 16SV7754), the fortüne-Program of the University of Tübingen (2422-0-1 and 2452-0-0) and the Basque Government Science Program (EXOTEK: KK 2016/00083)

    Intensity and Dose of Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation Influence Sensorimotor Cortical Excitability

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    Neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES) of the nervous system has been extensively used in neurorehabilitation due to its capacity to engage the muscle fibers, improving muscle tone, and the neural pathways, sending afferent volleys toward the brain. Although different neuroimaging tools suggested the capability of NMES to regulate the excitability of sensorimotor cortex and corticospinal circuits, how the intensity and dose of NMES can neuromodulate the brain oscillatory activity measured with electroencephalography (EEG) is still unknown to date. We quantified the effect of NMES parameters on brain oscillatory activity of 12 healthy participants who underwent stimulation of wrist extensors during rest. Three different NMES intensities were included, two below and one above the individual motor threshold, fixing the stimulation frequency to 35 Hz and the pulse width to 300 μs. Firstly, we efficiently removed stimulation artifacts from the EEG recordings. Secondly, we analyzed the effect of amplitude and dose on the sensorimotor oscillatory activity. On the one hand, we observed a significant NMES intensity-dependent modulation of brain activity, demonstrating the direct effect of afferent receptor recruitment. On the other hand, we described a significant NMES intensity-dependent dose-effect on sensorimotor activity modulation over time, with below-motor-threshold intensities causing cortical inhibition and above-motor-threshold intensities causing cortical facilitation. Our results highlight the relevance of intensity and dose of NMES, and show that these parameters can influence the recruitment of the sensorimotor pathways from the muscle to the brain, which should be carefully considered for the design of novel neuromodulation interventions based on NMES.This study was funded by the Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung BMBF MOTORBIC (FKZ 13GW0053), AMORSA (FKZ 16SV7754), and the Fortüne-Program of the University of Tübingen (2422-0-1 and 2556-0-

    Cortical processing during robot and functional electrical stimulation

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    IntroductionLike alpha rhythm, the somatosensory mu rhythm is suppressed in the presence of somatosensory inputs by implying cortical excitation. Sensorimotor rhythm (SMR) can be classified into two oscillatory frequency components: mu rhythm (8–13 Hz) and beta rhythm (14–25 Hz). The suppressed/enhanced SMR is a neural correlate of cortical activation related to efferent and afferent movement information. Therefore, it would be necessary to understand cortical information processing in diverse movement situations for clinical applications.MethodsIn this work, the EEG of 10 healthy volunteers was recorded while fingers were moved passively under different kinetic and kinematic conditions for proprioceptive stimulation. For the kinetics aspect, afferent brain activity (no simultaneous volition) was compared under two conditions of finger extension: (1) generated by an orthosis and (2) generated by the orthosis simultaneously combined and assisted with functional electrical stimulation (FES) applied at the forearm muscles related to finger extension. For the kinematic aspect, the finger extension was divided into two phases: (1) dynamic extension and (2) static extension (holding the extended position).ResultsIn the kinematic aspect, both mu and beta rhythms were more suppressed during a dynamic than a static condition. However, only the mu rhythm showed a significant difference between kinetic conditions (with and without FES) affected by attention to proprioception after transitioning from dynamic to static state, but the beta rhythm was not.DiscussionOur results indicate that mu rhythm was influenced considerably by muscle kinetics during finger movement produced by external devices, which has relevant implications for the design of neuromodulation and neurorehabilitation interventions

    Neurophysiology of Robot-Mediated Training and Therapy: A Perspective for Future Use in Clinical Populations

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    The recovery of functional movements following injury to the central nervous system (CNS) is multifaceted and is accompanied by processes occurring in the injured and non-injured hemispheres of the brain or above/below a spinal cord lesion. The changes in the CNS are the consequence of functional and structural processes collectively termed neuroplasticity and these may occur spontaneously and/or be induced by movement practice. The neurophysiological mechanisms underlying such brain plasticity may take different forms in different types of injury, for example stroke vs. spinal cord injury (SCI). Recovery of movement can be enhanced by intensive, repetitive, variable, and rewarding motor practice. To this end, robots that enable or facilitate repetitive movements have been developed to assist recovery and rehabilitation. Here, we suggest that some elements of robot-mediated training such as assistance and perturbation may have the potential to enhance neuroplasticity. Together the elemental components for developing integrated robot-mediated training protocols may form part of a neurorehabilitation framework alongside those methods already employed by therapists. Robots could thus open up a wider choice of options for delivering movement rehabilitation grounded on the principles underpinning neuroplasticity in the human CNS

    Offline Identification of Imagined Speed of Wrist Movements in Paralyzed ALS Patients from Single-Trial EEG

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    The study investigated the possibility of identifying the speed of an imagined movement from EEG recordings in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) patients. EEG signals were acquired from four ALS patients during imagination of wrist extensions at two speeds (fast and slow), each repeated up to 100 times in random order. The movement-related cortical potentials (MRCPs) and averaged sensorimotor rhythm associated with the two tasks were obtained from the EEG recordings. Moreover, offline single-trial EEG classification was performed with discrete wavelet transform for feature extraction and support vector machine for classification. The speed of the task was encoded in the time delay of peak negativity in the MRCPs, which was shorter for faster than for slower movements. The average single-trial misclassification rate between speeds was 30.4 ± 3.5% when the best scalp location and time interval were selected for each individual. The scalp location and time interval leading to the lowest misclassification rate varied among patients. The results indicate that the imagination of movements at different speeds is a viable strategy for controlling a brain-computer interface system by ALS patients

    Event-related desynchronization during movement attempt and execution in severely paralyzed stroke patients: An artifact removal relevance analysis

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    The electroencephalogram (EEG) constitutes a relevant tool to study neural dynamics and to develop brain-machine interfaces (BMI) for rehabilitation of patients with paralysis due to stroke. However, the EEG is easily contaminated by artifacts of physiological origin, which can pollute the measured cortical activity and bias the interpretations of such data. This is especially relevant when recording EEG of stroke patients while they try to move their paretic limbs, since they generate more artifacts due to compensatory activity. In this paper, we study how physiological artifacts (i.e., eye movements, motion artifacts, muscle artifacts and compensatory movements with the other limb) can affect EEG activity of stroke patients. Data from 31 severely paralyzed stroke patients performing/attempting grasping movements with their healthy/paralyzed hand were analyzed offline. We estimated the cortical activation as the event-related desynchronization (ERD) of sensorimotor rhythms and used it to detect the movements with a pseudo-online simulated BMI. Automated state-of-the-art methods (linear regression to remove ocular contaminations and statistical thresholding to reject the other types of artifacts) were used to minimize the influence of artifacts. The effect of artifact reduction was quantified in terms of ERD and BMI performance. The results reveal a significant contamination affecting the EEG, being involuntary muscle activity the main source of artifacts. Artifact reduction helped extracting the oscillatory signatures of motor tasks, isolating relevant information from noise and revealing a more prominent ERD activity. Lower BMI performances were obtained when artifacts were eliminated from the training datasets. This suggests that artifacts produce an optimistic bias that improves theoretical accuracy but may result in a poor link between task-related oscillatory activity and BMI peripheral feedback. With a clinically relevant dataset of stroke patients, we evidence the need of appropriate methodologies to remove artifacts from EEG datasets to obtain accurate estimations of the motor brain activity.This study was funded by the fortüne-Program of the University of Tübingen (2422-0-1 and 2452-0-0), the Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung BMBF MOTORBIC (FKZ 13GW0053) and AMORSA (FKZ 16SV7754), the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), the Basque Government Science Program (EXOTEK: KK 2016/00083). The work of A. Insausti-Delgado was supported by the Basque Government's scholarship for predoctoral students

    Functional synergy recruitment index as a reliable biomarker of motor function and recovery in chronic stroke patients

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    Objective. Stroke affects the expression of muscle synergies underlying motor control, most notably in patients with poorer motor function. The majority of studies on muscle synergies have conventionally approached this analysis by assuming alterations in the inner structures of synergies after stroke. Although different synergy-based features based on this assumption have to some extent described pathological mechanisms in post-stroke neuromuscular control, a biomarker that reliably reflects motor function and recovery is still missing. Approach. Based on the theory of muscle synergies, we alternatively hypothesize that functional synergy structures are physically preserved and measure the temporal correlation between the recruitment profiles of healthy modules by paretic and healthy muscles, a feature hereafter reported as the FSRI. We measured clinical scores and extracted the muscle synergies of both ULs of 18 chronic stroke survivors from the electromyographic activity of 8 muscles during bilateral movements before and after 4 weeks of non-invasive BMI controlled robot therapy and physiotherapy. We computed the FSRI as well as features quantifying inter-limb structural differences and evaluated the correlation of these synergy-based measures with clinical scores. Main results. Correlation analysis revealed weak relationships between conventional features describing inter-limb synergy structural differences and motor function. In contrast, FSRI values during specific or combined movement data significantly correlated with UL motor function and recovery scores. Additionally, we observed that BMI-based training with contingent positive proprioceptive feedback led to improved FSRI values during the specific trained finger extension movement. Significance. We demonstrated that FSRI can be used as a reliable physiological biomarker of motor function and recovery in stroke, which can be targeted via BMI-based proprioceptive therapies and adjuvant physiotherapy to boost effective rehabilitation.This study was funded by the Fortüne-Program of the University of Tübingen (2452-0-0/2), the Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (AMORSA (FKZ-16SV7754), REHOME (V5GR2001M1007-01)), EUROSTARS (SubliminalHomeRehab (FKZ: 01QE2023C E! 113928)) and the Basque Government Science Program (SINICTUS (2018222036), MODULA (KK-2019/00018), Elkartek-EXOTEK (KK-2016/00083)). N Irastorza-Landa's work was funded by the Basque Government's scholarship for predoctoral students

    Classification of different reaching movements from the same limb using EEG

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    Objective. Brain–computer-interfaces (BCIs) have been proposed not only as assistive technologies but also as rehabilitation tools for lost functions. However, due to the stochastic nature, poor spatial resolution and signal to noise ratio from electroencephalography (EEG), multidimensional decoding has been the main obstacle to implement non-invasive BCIs in real-live rehabilitation scenarios. This study explores the classification of several functional reaching movements from the same limb using EEG oscillations in order to create a more versatile BCI for rehabilitation. Approach. Nine healthy participants performed four 3D center-out reaching tasks in four different sessions while wearing a passive robotic exoskeleton at their right upper limb. Kinematics data were acquired from the robotic exoskeleton. Multiclass extensions of Filter Bank Common Spatial Patterns (FBCSP) and a linear discriminant analysis (LDA) classifier were used to classify the EEG activity into four forward reaching movements (from a starting position towards four target positions), a backward movement (from any of the targets to the starting position and rest). Recalibrating the classifier using data from previous or the same session was also investigated and compared. Main results. Average EEG decoding accuracy were significantly above chance with 67%, 62.75%, and 50.3% when decoding three, four and six tasks from the same limb, respectively. Furthermore, classification accuracy could be increased when using data from the beginning of each session as training data to recalibrate the classifier. Significance. Our results demonstrate that classification from several functional movements performed by the same limb is possible with acceptable accuracy using EEG oscillations, especially if data from the same session are used to recalibrate the classifier. Therefore, an ecologically valid decoding could be used to control assistive or rehabilitation mutli-degrees of freedom (DoF) robotic devices using EEG data. These results have important implications towards assistive and rehabilitative neuroprostheses control in paralyzed patients.This study was funded by the Baden-Württemberg Stiftung (GRUENS), the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, Koselleck and SP-1533/2-1), Bundes Ministerium für Bildung und Forschung BMBF MOTORBIC (FKZ 13GW0053), the fortune-Program of the University of Tübingen (2422-0-0), and AMORSA (FKZ 16SV7754). A Sarasola-Sanz’s work is supported by the La Caixa-DAAD scholarship, and N IrastorzaLanda’s work by the Basque Government and IKERBASQUE, Basque Foundation for Science

    Real-Time Control of a Multi-Degree-of-Freedom Mirror Myoelectric Interface During Functional Task Training

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    Motor learning mediated by motor training has in the past been explored for rehabilitation. Myoelectric interfaces together with exoskeletons allow patients to receive real-time feedback about their muscle activity. However, the number of degrees of freedom that can be simultaneously controlled is limited, which hinders the training of functional tasks and the effectiveness of the rehabilitation therapy. The objective of this study was to develop a myoelectric interface that would allow multi-degree-of-freedom control of an exoskeleton involving arm, wrist and hand joints, with an eye toward rehabilitation. We tested the effectiveness of a myoelectric decoder trained with data from one upper limb and mirrored to control a multi-degree-of-freedom exoskeleton with the opposite upper limb (i.e., mirror myoelectric interface) in 10 healthy participants. We demonstrated successful simultaneous control of multiple upper-limb joints by all participants. We showed evidence that subjects learned the mirror myoelectric model within the span of a five-session experiment, as reflected by a significant decrease in the time to execute trials and in the number of failed trials. These results are the necessary precursor to evaluating if a decoder trained with EMG from the healthy limb could foster learning of natural EMG patterns and lead to motor rehabilitation in stroke patients.This study was funded by the Eurostars Project E! 113928 Subliminal Home Rehab (SHR), BMBF (Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung) (FKZ: SHR 01QE2023; and REHOME 16SV8606), Fortüne-Program of the University of Tübingen (2452-0-0/1), Ministry of Science of the Basque Country (Elkartek: MODULA KK-2019/00018) and H2020- FETPROACT-EIC-2018-2020 (MAIA 951910)